The year is 1994, and a Swarthmore College student named Justin Hall just launched the first blog we know,, which is still online today (albeit with different purposes).

In the tech field, we generally want to be early adopters of new technologies on the horizon. What are the advantages of this? You essentially gain direct access to those who pay more to jobs with this technology when – if it does – become “hot.”
For those who don’t live in the USA or another English-dominant country, this implies that you must learn English if you want to become and stay relevant in the market. This is especially true in Brazil, where, according to the British Council (2014), only 5.1% have some knowledge of the English language.
That was the case for the people who started blogging in the 90’s. If you’ve had a blog since then and kept it running until now, you likely gained a lot of opportunities when people started consuming an enormous amount of content in the form of blog posts, precisely in the same 90’s.
Times have changed, and content creation has become a mature and fiercely competitive field. The algorithms used on social media platforms have become much more advanced and competitive, and it can seem like a waste of time to write blog posts instead of just posting content on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, or X. So, let’s start by making some observations on how writing posts can be a game changer on your career.
Attention might not be what you’re after.
It might sound odd because we often link today’s content creators’ “success” to their huge audiences. But ask yourself: “Do I really want an audience?” Most times, what you actually want is money. Knowing this upfront, before diving into TikTok or a blog, helps set the right expectations. Let’s be real, if you need money pronto or you just don’t enjoy making content, doing it purely for the money is a bad move. But there are certainly some things more valuable than potential long-term cash:
- Sharpening your communication skills.
- Documenting your experiences thoroughly.
- Becoming a quick learner.
Now, let’s dive into these:
Developing you communication and understanding skills
That’s a hidden, extremely powerful consequence that comes with the habit of writing posts. As you process, evaluate, and critically select information to write about, your brain can deep dive into the matter you’re learning. Mixed with a lot of practice, that can intensely sharpen your knowledge, even about difficult matters. However, be cautious: If, instead of seriously researching and practicing what you’ll write about, you just type random stuff and post, you’ll not only lose credibility but also will not have any feedback, and that can make you waste time and work, being a big source of frustration.
There’s also scientific literature, just as Chmarkh, M. (2021). ‘Writing to learn’ research: A synthesis of empirical studies (2004-2019). European Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), 85-96, that states write to learn activities, wich covers blogging, as “effective both in language learning and in amassing greater content knowledge in content area classrooms across the disciplines”. The study also stated:
In fact, as a tech person, blogging can be a very useful and productive way to sharpen and grow your communication and, as a bonus, sharpen your skills.
Have an extended documentation about your experience
Proving experience is challenging, especially for seniors who are expected to train. Blogging can be a valuable asset in this context. Getting things done is tough, but getting things done and explained is even more challenging. If you can elucidate complex topics like data structures and how computers work in a simple manner, you’re the type of leader/manager most companies seek. A curated, clear, and well-written technical archive serves as undeniable proof that you can break down substantial problems into small, reproducible tasks.
Be a fast learner
As mentioned earlier, writing to learn is an incredible way to delve deep into the subjects you want to master. Essential to this is practicing while you write, which can significantly enhance your practical skills in coding and documentation. You can leverage and explore most of the tech out there since many technologies used in development, or even in the tech career, are free and/or open-source. Through practice and reporting, you’ll also develop a robust understanding of how computers work from the ground up, enabling you to add real value to actual projects, ultimately translating into financial gains.
If your goal is to create a blog for building an audience or earning ad revenue, ensure you genuinely enjoy it and are willing to wait—potentially a substantial amount of time—to see results. However, blogging proves to be much more efficient for personal learning and growth than for earning ad revenue. Thanks for reading; make sure to check the posts page for updates on new content. See you!